Thursday, March 7, 2019

Autocratic and Democratic Leadership Essay

There be m whatever pros and cons of both overbearing and classless disposal, not to mention, many obvious differences. Surprisingly, at that place be alike several(prenominal) similarities between these two unique governing styles. Autocracy as delimit by the Merriam Webster online dictionary is, A giving medication activity in which 1 individual possesses unlimited power. Opposingly, country as defined by Danzinger, professor and designer chair of the department of semi judicatureal science at the University of California is A governance by draws whose authority is based on a limited mandate from a universal electorate that selects among genuine alternatives and has virtually rights to governmental participation and reverse (173).Most leadinghip characteristics brush off be categorised into these two groups further separating them into two distinct leadership styles. An autocratic leader tends to lead with an iron fist similar to the style of a totalitarian government, whereas a parliamentary leader tends to take a slightly softer approach path governing with con move and compliance from the people. Through show up this write up I will provide an analysis of basic characteristics of both autocratic and participatory government and leaders, as well as a brief overview of the dictatorial and nix aspects of both governing transcriptions. Each governing style is made to shape within its own environment, governing its people and doing what is best for its country.Autocracy requires a lack of legal separation of powers, so the absolute swayer cannot beopposed by any other(a) powerful source. For example, a checks and balances system would deter an autocratic government be driving force the leader would not turn out absolute power. Autocracies can take the smorgasbord of a totalitarian/dictoral government, where a country is at a lower place the rule of one individual. Many times, autocratic rulers work to split up their count ries only because it in originate provides great advantages for the rulers themselves. An autocratic government is one that maximizes the net income the ruling set extracts from the remainder of the state this extraction, in turn, is the difference between the tax revenues the regimen collects and the amounts it spends on ordinary services, military activities, and interest. (Niskanan, 182).Basically, out of the summation in fruit that results from the net income extracted from the population, the leader obtains much resources for his or her own purposes than for the general cosmos. Also, since the public population is a source of tax-income for the leader, the leader so hasincentive to defend his or her people from warf atomic number 18, terrorist attacks, etc. Hence, the monopolization of income tax can in reality have a positive fall on the general public. The public is besides benefitted because they obtain the income they have made that has not been taken in taxes .A commonly used phrase people use when public lecture about autocratic governments is, An absolute ruler fails absolutely, only is this necessarily the fact in an autocratic government? Unlimited power of a ruler whitethorn only be considered dangerous if it falls into the incorrect turn over. The destination autocracy has become synonymous with the title of dictator, however, not all dictatorships ar necessarily a blackball form of government. For example, Hugo Chavez, leader of Venezuela has created the Bolivarian Revolution, A constraining replica of Franklin Roosevelts New Deal-a progressive income tax, public works, social security, crummy electricity- necessitates him wildly commonplace with the poor. And around Venezuelans atomic number 18 poor (Palast 42). On the other hand, many people argue that Chavez is in fact a spoiled leader. A common view of the American government portrays Chavez as a threat to global oil prices and regional economy. Just like in tha t location is a good and bad side to autocratic leaders, at that place are many pros and cons when closely examining an autocratic government.Many may argue that an autocratic style of government is corrupt and unjust. However, there are many positive aspects of autocracy. Decisions are made quickly without strenuous contemplation from other political powers. For example, if a dictator wanted to pass a law fashioning it illegal to wear blue jeans in his or her country he could pass the law without consent from anyone else. If a president wanted to make the same law, it would have to be overseen and contemplated by numerous other parties beforehand passing. Not only is an autocratic government quick to make decisions, it also defines a clear bottom line. Topics of controversy are not odd up to the interpretation of the public, and differing opinions are not expressed because the public population of an autocratic government is generally discouraged from expressing individual opin ions.Unfortunately there are also many negative aspects of autocracy. Mainly, ithas the potential to ignore the postulate of the majority. Ultimately, all decisions are left up to the leader, creating a potentially reorient outcome as far as the needs of the public go. The views and norms of a whole state can be held solely in the hands of one person and needless to consecrate may have quite a negative effect. Irrational decisions can also be made, with about no hope of being stopped. If an autocratic leader happens to be having a bad day and makes an irrational and approximative decision, it may have a negative impact on all of the country.One may admire why the citizens of an autocratic government would tolerate such(prenominal) a harsh and extreme leader, why not just overthrow him?The same logic of collective action that ensured that there are no social contracts in the historical record whereby large groups agreed to obtain the advantages of government also implies that the masses shall not overthrow an autocrat simply because they would be come apart off to do so. Historical evidence from at least the showtime pharos through Saddam Hussein indicates that resolute autocrats can die hard even when they impose heinous amounts of suffering upon their peoples. When they are replaced, it is for other reasons (Mancur 23).The reverse of autocracy could be thought of as body politic. land is a wide accepted form of government that works for the people by allowing them to study their own representation. Not only are the people represented by a leader of their choice, but are also able to pee opinions as to the on goings of their country. land is a sign of the existence of a strong civil society that is based on various mediator groups, from womens associations and labor unions to cooperatives and trade councils. Such groups dole out as believably the most effective tools for communicating social demands to decision makers. (Gangi 41).Democracy is state to have originated in medieval atomic number 63 as a cause of three main pointsFirst, late medieval Europe had numerous political characteristics that distinguished it from other major world civilizations. These characteristics the most important of which were deputy assemblies constituted as a basis for liberal country which provided Europe with a predisposition toward democratic political institutions. Second, the military revolution of the ordinal and seventeenth centuries led to the strengthing of monarchal power in countries relying on national resources to finance modern armies.In these countries, medieval constitutionalism was done away with and deluxe autocracies were built demolishing the predisposition. Third, in countries that avoided the military revolution, military modernization did not destroy constitutional government, and a liberal political outcome became more likely (Downing 3).Much like autocracy requires a lack of separation of powers, democracy ne eds a separation of powers. A democratic government is divided into three branches. The executive branch consists of the presidential party which in turn consists of the president, the vice president, and all the cabinet members. This branch assists in carrying out the law. The president is allowed to pass or veto a bill sent by the legislature. The legislative branch or Bicameral Congress consists of the Senate (100 seats, deuce-ace are renewed every two years 2 members are elected from each state by popular balloting to serve six-year terms) and the House of Representatives (435 seats members are directly elected by popular vote to serve two-year terms) (https// soft touch/us.html).The legislative branch writes laws on a bill so they can be sent to the senator, and then to the representatives, and then to the president. The judicial branch is in charge of the court systems consisting of the dictatorial Court (nine justices nominated by the president and confirmed with the advice and consent of the Senate positive to serve for life) United States Courts of Appeal United States District Courts State and County Courts (https// The judicial branch applies the law by hearing and making decisions on various legal cases. Just like any other government, democracy can vary from country to country.A democratic government may come in many different forms such as participatory democracy, representative democracy, electoral democracy, liberal democracy, etc, hence there are just endless positive and negative aspects. Singapore practices an electoral democracy where tout ensemble citizens periodically vote in order to select political leaders from among alternative contenders (Danziger 173), meaning that the government picks the candidates that the citizens can vote for. In 2006 the liberty Housedescribed America as a liberal democracy which is a government where Citizens enj oy not only electoral democracy but also these extensive political rights and civil liberties regarding participation, personal freedoms, and opposition (173). However, I feel that America is better categorized as a representative democracy where Citizens elect people to represent them in the political process and to allocate values on their behalf (172). Because of all the different conditions in the many types of democracies one may wonder what exactly defines democracy.One of the discern characteristics of American democracy is universal voter turnout. Universal suffrage consists of the right to vote regardless of race, religion, gender, social status, economic status, etc. Suffrage has been a continually developing aspect of democracy for centuries. According to Wikipedia, African American suffrage began in 1866, and womens suffrage began in 1920. A second democratic characteristic is relateity of all people. Within the US Constitution it is implied that under a democratic g overnment each person is entitled to equal protection under the law, freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, etc, along with various other economic, social, cultural, civil, political, and group-oriented rights. Democracy bases itself on providing fair and equal opportunities for all people regardless of their race, sex, religion, economic/social status, etc. The idea of American democracy fully encouraging equality brought many immigrants here, with promises of equal opportunity. Along with all the rights and privileges citizens of a democratic government have, there are also some negative aspects.The large democracies get, the more difficult voting and vote tallying becomes. For example, during the Gore vs. Bush presidential preferences the vote counts in Florida were misinterpreted, and many people thought the outcome of the election was skewed due to vote fraud. Also, democracy is hailed as one of the most fair governments, but catering to the needs of only the majority genuinely excludes the minority. No matter how minuscule the minority may be, they are silence be exploited by the majority. Lastly, the larger a democratic system becomes, the less calm and efficient it becomes. Mancur Olsen gives a good example of this negative aspect ofdemocracy in his essay Autocracy, Democracy, and History.If there are say five similar people, each of them will get about a fifth of the gains from the creation of a peaceful democratic order. The advantages of such an order are so large that one fifth of the gains could eaisly exceed the total sacrifice. Moreover, when there are only a few people in a group it will be clear that the welfare of each person depends on whether each other individual acts in a group-oriented or anti-social way. Thus each person by making clear that the cooperation by others will bring forth cooperation from him but that non-cooperation will not, can increase the likelihood that others will match his behavior. This not only increas es the probability of peaceful democratic interaction but even makes it easily possible that cooperation will deliberate an ideal or group optimal extent (Olsen 3).Hence, democracies work better for relatively small groups. Mancur argues that a democracy is better than raw anarchy, but democracy is still far from perfect. (2)In conclusion, both autocratic and democratic governments have many strong and weak points. Some negative aspects of autocracy such as income tax monopoly can have a positive affect on a whole countrys population, while some positive aspects of democracy such as majority ruling can have negative affects such as excluding the minority.The pros and cons of a government are what ultimately define that governments basic structure. If a government has a disorganized electoral system, power could potentially fall into the wrong leaders hands. If a government has a very strict electoral policy, the people may be misrepresented due to the fact that they do not have ful l freedom to choose their leader. Each governmental style works for the betterment of their citizens whether it is by strict rule, or wanton rule. All in all, governments running(a) towards the betterment of their citizens, are truly working towards the betterment of the human population as a whole.Works CitedAutocracy. Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary. 2004. .Danziger, James. Understanding the governmental World A ComparativeIntroduction to Political Science. New York Pearson Education Inc, 2007.Downing, Brian. The Military Revolution and Political Change Origins of Democracy andAutocracy in Early Modern Europe. New Jersey Princeton University Press, 1992.Gangi, Akbar. The Struggle Against Sultanism. ledger of Democracy 2005 16.4. ProjectMuse Scholarly Journals Online. Wayne State University Library. Wayne State University Library, Detroit, MI. 16 Apr 2007.Olsen, Mancur. Autocracy, Democracy, and History. Online working paper 22, 1991.2 April 2007.Niskanan, William. Autocrati c, Democratic and Optimal Government Fiscal Choices and Economic Outcomes. Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publications, 2004.Palast, Greg. Hugo Chavez. The Progressive. July 2006. 10 April 2007.United States. 2007. The World Fact Book. 4 April 2007..

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