Thursday, March 14, 2019

Analysis of Countee Cullens Yet Do I Marvel Essay -- Countee Cullen Ye

Analysis of Countee Cullens Yet Do I react Poetry is often meant to be smooth, flowing, pleasing to the ear and the mind. To achieve this effect, umpteen a(prenominal) poets routine different poetic techniques to help canalise the meanings of their poetry. In the sonnet, Yet Do I Marvel written by Countee Cullen, many different features of poetry is used. In this essay, I will discuss the relationship between the meanings and the theme Cullen tries to convey in his sonnet and the techniques of anyegorys, both religious and non-religious, allusions to Greek mythology, different verse schemes and repetition that he uses. In his sonnet, Cullen uses strong themes of religious similes while adding many non-religious metaphors at the same time. The continuing theme throughout the sonnet is the mysteriousness of deity, and how He is unwilling to share the secrets of the universe by answering the speakers questions. Cullen begins with stating that his belief in God is that G od is good natured, I doubt not God is good, well-meaning, kind, (Line 1). The freshman line briefly makes your mind question the sentence while you get it on the starting of the theme. Using different metaphors, Cullen brightly expresses his confusion of what the purpose of his being is and why God does what he does. And did He stoop to quibble could dissever why / The half-size buried mole continues blind, / Why flesh that mirrors Him must(prenominal) some day die, (Lines 2 - 4). In these lines, Cullen clarifies his position with God in stating that his questions are but quibble to God, thus putting himself far below God. Cullen uses the metaphor of the mole to represent how he is blind to the reasoning of Gods actions, while at the same time questioning God of why a little mole continues to live blind. In the next line, Cullen uses a biblical metaphor when mentioning flesh that mirrors Him as it is in the bible that it states God created Adam in His image. Cullen refers th is flesh to be humans and questions God for the purpose of death. Using these metaphors, Cullen creates a more than vivid image in the imagination than he would if he were to question God outright. ?Why flesh that mirrors Him must some day die,? carries many more metaphorical images than ?Why do we die?? does, and that is one of the efforts and under leap outing Cullen is nearly likely trying to convey in his sonnet. Cullen?s brilliant... ...t a collect of life, that is black, and at the same time God made him a poet? someone who is supposed to study the world around him and express what he or she sees in words and verses. Cullen marvels at Gods decision to project someone testify the world of the blackness? which he sees. In this case, the person God has discrete to tell the world is the speaker himself and Cullen contemplates what possible motivation would God have for doing this. In using constant repetition of the theme, Cullen allows the theme to clearly stand out and show itself without having to hide behind words with deeper meanings. This is effective for accent the theme and ensuring that it is easily understandable. Metaphors, allusions, rhyme scheme and repetition are all techniques that Cullen used in his sonnet to improve the understanding and assist the interpretations of the poetry. His use of metaphors painted pictures in the mind while his allusions told stories with merely a a couple of(prenominal) words. Rhyme scheme and repetition both assisted in the ferocity of the theme and worked exceptionally well. It is in works such as Cullen?s ?Yet Do I Marvel? that poetry and philosophy begin together in a warm embrace.

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