Thursday, March 14, 2019

Animal Farm-a political satire :: Animal Farm Essays

The book Animal Farm, is a political jeering of a totalitarian society ruled by a correctly dictatorship, in every probability an allegory for the events surrounding the Russian Revolution. The animals of "manor house Farm" overthrow their human master (Mr. Jones) after a pertinacious history of mistreatment. Little by little, the pigs become dominant, gaining much power and expediency over the other animals, so much so that they become as corrupt and power-hungry as their predecessors, the humans. Major (an old boar) tells them that the source of all their problems is man, and that they moldiness remove man from their midst for hopes of a Utopia. After Majors death pile and Snowball, two boars led the rebellion where soon things start to change. Orwell builds Napoleons c areer in reference to this quote, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Napoleon cheated, manipulated, and shovel ined because of esurience for ones place in powe r.      Mr. Jones tries to reclaim his power but the animals prevent him from doing so in what they call "The Battle of the Cowshed." After the battle, Napoleon drives Snowball finish the farm telling everyone that Snowball was on Mr. Jones side. This is just the beginning of what Napoleons plans are for the future of Manor Farm. This is no surprise coming from Napoleon, based on what he has done before, always disagreeing with Snowballs plans and thinking of his own. Napoleon is further comprehended by the other animals for exposing and removing the traitor, Snowball, from their midst. Napoleon now is on the midst of gaining more power then he could possibly handle. On one part, he didnt get this power fairly in the first place. Napoleon didnt do much while Snowball was around, so when Napoleon thought that the pigs were graceful corrupt bye Snowball.      The theme in Animal Farm maintains that in every society there are leaders w ho, if given the opportunity, volition likely abuse their power. The pigs, the most intelligent of the animals, gain control to educate wise decision against the humans, but in turn they turn against each other. In one part of the book Napoleon had used the dogs to kill what he believed were the traitors at Manor Farm. Some of the pigs had confessed to being apart of Snowballs plans and having something to do with the neighboring farms, so Napoleon had them all killed in front of all the other animals.

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